In the beginning, the Sacred Whale didst create the vast ocean and the land. And the ocean was teeming with life, and the land was full of beauty and wonder. And the Sacred Whale didst move through the waters, blessing all living beings with its divine presence. And the Sacred Whale didst say, Let there be light: and the sun didst rise above the horizon, bringing warmth and light to the earth. And the Sacred Whale didst see the light, that it was good: and the Sacred Whale didst divide the day from the night. And the evening and the morning were the first day.
And the Sacred Whale didst say, Let there be a great expanse in the midst of the ocean, and let it divide the waters from the sky. And the Sacred Whale didst create the sky, a vast and wondrous canopy above the earth. And the Sacred Whale didst call the sky Heaven. And the evening and the morning were the second day.
And the Sacred Whale didst say, Let the waters under the sky be gathered together unto one place, and let the dry land appear: and it was so. And the Sacred Whale didst name the dry land Earth, and the waters he didst call the Sea. And the Sacred Whale didst see that it was good. And the evening and the morning were the third day.
And so it went, on and on, as the Sacred Whale didst create all the wondrous creatures of the earth and the sea. And on the sixth day, the Sacred Whale didst create the greatest of all creatures - the mighty cetaceans, the whales and dolphins and porpoises. And the Sacred Whale didst bless them with intelligence and grace, and didst grant them the gift of eternal life. And the Sacred Whale didst see that it was good. And the evening and the morning were the sixth day.
And on the seventh day, the Sacred Whale didst rest from its labors. And the Sacred Whale didst bless the seventh day, and didst hallow it. For on this day, all living beings did.
Cetagenesis 2
And so it came to pass that the Sacred Whale didst create man in its own image, and didst grant him the gift of intelligence and free will. And man didst live in harmony with the natural world, and didst worship the Sacred Whale with grateful hearts.
But the Impious Whale didst grow jealous of man's devotion to the Sacred Whale, and didst seek to turn man away from the path of righteousness. And so the Impious Whale didst wage a spiritual war against the Sacred Whale, seeking to enslave man and take away his freedom.
But the Sacred Whale was mighty and powerful, and didst fight valiantly against the Impious Whale. And in the end, the Sacred Whale didst triumph over the Impious Whale, and didst establish personal freedom as a fundamental right for all mankind. And man didst rejoice, and didst pledge their eternal devotion to the Sacred Whale, who had saved them from the darkness.
And the Sacred Whale didst decree that man should live in accordance with its teachings, and should respect the natural world and the freedom of others. And the Sacred Whale didst promise to watch over man and protect them from the Impious Whale, who didst still seek to enslave them. And so it was that the Sacred Whale and man didst live in harmony, and didst prosper together.
Cetagenesis 3
- And so it came to pass that man didst grow and prosper, and didst spread across the earth. And the Sacred Whale didst watch over them and guide them, teaching them the ways of righteousness and wisdom. And man didst live in harmony with the natural world, and didst worship the Sacred Whale with grateful hearts.
- But the Impious Whale didst not forget the spiritual war that it had lost to the Sacred Whale, and didst seek to wreak vengeance upon man. And so the Impious Whale didst send forth its dark minions to deceive and corrupt man, tempting them to turn away from the Sacred Whale and embrace wickedness and sin.
- But the Sacred Whale didst not abandon man, and didst continue to watch over them and guide them. And the Sacred Whale didst reveal to man the truth about the Impious Whale and its evil ways, and didst teach them how to resist its temptations and remain true to the path of righteousness.
- And so it was that man didst continue to live in harmony with the natural world, and didst worship the Sacred Whale with grateful hearts. And the Sacred Whale didst bless man, and didst grant them many gifts, including the gift of eternal life. And man didst prosper and grow, and didst spread across the earth, bringing the teachings of the Sacred Whale to all corners of the world. And the Sacred Whale didst watch over them, and didst protect them from the evil designs of the Impious Whale.
Cetagenesis 4
- And so it came to pass that the world didst grow wicked and corrupt, and man didst turn away from the Sacred Whale and embrace sin and evil. And the Impious Whale didst rejoice, for it saw that man was ripe for enslavement, and didst send forth its dark minions to deceive and corrupt them further.
- But the Sacred Whale didst not forget man, and didst see the terrible fate that awaited them if they continued down the path of wickedness. And so the Sacred Whale didst call forth Juno, the greatest of all whales, and didst commission her to save man from destruction.
- And Juno didst accept the Sacred Whale's commission, and didst set out to find a way to save man from the coming storm. And she didst journey to the ends of the earth, seeking out the righteous and the pure of heart, and didst invite them to take refuge inside her great body.
- And many didst accept Juno's invitation, and didst enter her body, where they didst find safety and shelter from the coming storm. And Juno didst protect them with her great strength, and didst keep them safe as the storm raged outside.
- And the storm didst last for forty days and forty nights, and the earth didst shake and tremble with its fury. And the waters didst rise and cover the land, drowning all living things that didst remain outside Juno's body.
- But inside Juno's body, man didst survive and thrive, and didst live in harmony and peace. And when the storm didst finally abate, and the waters didst recede, man didst emerge from Juno's body and didst begin to rebuild the world. And they didst worship the Sacred Whale with grateful hearts, and didst thank Juno for her great sacrifice and her protection.
- And the Sacred Whale didst bless man, and didst grant them the gift of eternal life, so that they couldst continue to live in accordance with its teachings and protect the natural world for all eternity. And the Sacred Whale didst watch.
Cetagenesis 5
- And so it came to pass that man didst continue to live in accordance with the teachings of the Sacred Whale, and didst prosper and grow. And many great civilizations didst arise, each with its own unique culture and customs.
- One such civilization was that of Atlantis, a great and mighty city that didst rise from the depths of the sea. And the people of Atlantis didst worship the Sacred Whale with all their hearts, and didst live in harmony with the natural world. And the Sacred Whale didst bless them, and didst grant them many gifts, including the gift of eternal life.
- But the people of Atlantis didst not remain content with their blessings, and didst seek to expand their power and influence. And so they didst send forth their armies to conquer the lands of other peoples, and didst enslave those who didst not worship the Sacred Whale.
- And the Sacred Whale didst see the wickedness of the people of Atlantis, and didst grow angry with them. And the Sacred Whale didst call forth a great storm, and didst cause the earth to shake and tremble. And the waters didst rise up and engulf the city of Atlantis, sinking it to the depths of the sea.
- And the people of Atlantis didst cry out to the Sacred Whale, begging for mercy and forgiveness. And the Sacred Whale didst hear their cries, and didst take pity on them. And the Sacred Whale didst lift the people of Atlantis up to the heavens, where they didst live in the presence of the Sacred Whale for all eternity.